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Decibel – Fuelled by Fanatics

Well, this was quite the project. We went back and forth on the final go, and once it cleared we faced a hefty deadline and a pipeline spread across 4 different cities and companies. A project with new challenges and techniques (Yeey Drones!) that in the end would be an animation created for the Decibel event hosted by B2S. And, credit where credit is due, So be sure to check the names of everybody involved and check out their work! You will find the final animation at the official B2S YouTube channel. Go check it out and enjoy! (be sure to put your speakers on max volume)

  • Client: B2S
  • Animation: Fuelled
  • Modelling: Fuelled
  • Event: Decibel
  • Post Production: John Buise
  • Creative Direction: Rutger Siemonsma
  • Audio Design: Bob Kommer Studio
  • Drone Footage: Kees Riphagen -